Manifest with personalized audio affirmations

Real human voices. Use a quick wizard to make a personal audio that fits to your current emotional and energy level.
Generate a new set of audio affirmations every time your energy changes.
Manifest app, affirmations

The solution is finally here!

Finally the solution that is personalized just for you,
doesn't require too much of your time and energy,
and will help you to grow and prosper.

Fast and easy wizard, expertly curated database and algorithms will tailor the results to you.
Unlike most manifestation apps - this is NOT a library of pre-recorded audios that could just be a CD and not an app.

Affirmations don't work

Have you read dozens of books? Watched tons of theory-videos? And know what you should do, but don't have the time for it?
Listened to hours and hours of free affirmations, but still life feels too hard?
If yes, then you are like me.
Affirmations don't work because they never fit your emotional and energy level, they are never made just for you. The more popular affirmations are, the more general they are.
Not anymore! These affirmations are for you.
Each time you want new affirmations, just complete a quick wizard and you will get a personalized, emotion-matched, real human voice affirmation set in topics you are currently interested in.
Listen on a commute, while cooking, while cleaning, while jogging. It won't take your time!
When it doesn't resonate anymore, generate a new one, again personalized just for you!

This is how affirmations should be,
this is how they will be effective and help you grow

phones preview
Manifest affirmation app iPhone

Small effort,
big change

This app is not for engagement and filling up vision boards. It's for spending just a minute or two to generate your daily or weekly affirmation set.
Then you can go about doing and living your life while listening to your personal affirmation sets.
Your affirmations will help your subconscious to have new viewpoint for everything you do,
so that you can manifest your dream life!

What is the definition of Manifesting?

This varies so much. People tend to put anything under this term.
Please understand and make crucial distiction between magic and manifesting:
Manifesting is not making things to appear from thin air - that's magic.

Cambridge dictionary says:
manifestation: a sign of something existing or happening
manifesting: the act of using methods such as visualization (= picturing something in your mind) and affirmation (= repeating positive phrases) to help you imagine achieving something, in the belief that doing so will make it more likely to happen.

Manifesting is everything to do with your energy. It's the action & work you do, to ALIGN yourself (your subconsious mind, your thoughts, your emotions = your energy) with with your desires.
You will manifest all the time, want it or not. You can't prevent that because the universe expands and flows constantly, so does energy. (I don't want to mention time here, because that's just a difficult concept)
For example: You have a test or job interview. You don't believe you are smart enough so you will be afraid and not even try to study / prepeare. And will fail.
You made choises based on your sub-consious/consious and they manifested the poor result that was aligned. Mostly these things are in our sub-consious so you are not aware of them if you do not meditate or do other similiar practice regularly.
What if you could re-program your mind to align with success. That would overwrite the familiar negative mind-chatter and fear.
Not just with affirmations but with other methods also, for example with practising being in the present moment and letting go (this is difficult, affirmations are easy).
I must add, that on the higher level of manifestation, it seems that things are appearing from thin air - but that's not the case. It is you who are moving in 4D!

"Without belief, affirmations are just words." - Louise Hay

This means that when the affirmations you listen to and repeat do not align with your current situation, they feel like lies and do not work. Affirmations should resonate with you!

That's why aligns with your desires, self-worth, and energy, not just once but every time you create a new affirmation set. Don't just listen to affirmations, repeat them out loud! That's why there is an option to repeat each affirmation multiple times, so that you develop strong confidence in repeating them, rather than merely memorizing them!

I am so grateful to Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, and Louise Hay. Without their works and books, this application and its intelligence would not be possible. I have endeavored to integrate all the valuable insights I've learned from them over the past two decades. For example, there are no mixed affirmations, only positive ones. There are no "don't" and "can't" because that is not the path to healing. There are also more present tense affirmations than future tense ones, because you already are and you already have :) Humanity is evolving, and so is technology. This is the next step, and it's here now. You can try it out now for free, no credit card or registration needed!


Spares your time

Nobody has time for playing games!
Just use the quick wizard daily or weekly to generate affirmation voices set that resonates your current feelings, desires and energy.
And then just listen. While you commute, work, clean or cook.

Aligned affirmations

Each affirmation set is for you. It matches your current desires and energy.
That is the starting point for healing and growth.

Real human voice

No AI! No text-to speech! You don't have to record your own voice.
Professional voice actors with real emotions, try it and you will be amazed!


  • ios affirmations app
  • Affirmations, I am, you are, I choose
  • Affirmations, Money, manifestating
  • Affirmations, emotional level energy spiral
  • Affirmations, matching your energy
  • Affirmations, real human voices to choose from

    Scientifically Proven

    The positive effects of affirmations are scientifically proven multiple times.
    Studies have been conducted in many respected institutions and universities, and the positive results are clearly more than just statistical variance.
    Most studies collectively highlight that affirmations can offer benefits, but effectiveness depends on context and the individual (Wood JV, Perunovic WQ, Lee JW. Positive self-statements: Power for some, peril for others. Psychol Sci. 2009 Jul). We should note that never before have affirmations been adjusted to align with a person's desires, self-confidence, and emotional level!
    Self-affirmations can literally change your brain and create new neural pathways (Cascio et al., "Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation.")
    Consider this: If negative self-talk ("I can't do this") often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that you know and have witnessed it to be true, could positive affirmations not hold the same potential?

    Pricing and privacy

    We don't use ads in the app because we value and respect privacy - both yours and ours.
    No one likes having every click tracked and sold, yet it seems to happen almost everywhere.
    That's why our app is designed so you can try it for free -no credit card, registration, or even giving your email address is required.
    If you don't like it, simply uninstall the app, and you're done. (You can also find profile data removal button in the settings-section).
    Verifying your email allows you to save your profile with custom settings and log in with another device, if you get logged out. Any remaining anonymous data will be automatically removed on a regular basis.
    If you enjoy the app after trying it, you can create a profile to save your settings and after that subscribe with a monthly or yearly subscription plan (Coming soon). Terms are available here.

    Supportive friend affirmations

    Supportive friend

    If you had supportive parents, a spouse, or a best friend, you're truly fortunate - you have someone who believes in you. But when Youself are struggling to believe in yourself, all 'I am' affirmations can feel hollow. That's where 'You are' affirmations come in -like having a supportive friend with you 24/7, wherever you go. This app lets you choose 'You are' affirmations when you're feeling down, helping you move up the emotional scale.

    Finally new idea and method

    It takes time and new ideas to adopt new technology
    Have you heard the story about the invention of film movie cameras?
    In the beginning -before there were movies- people only knew plays that were performed in theaters.
    Then, when the film movie camera was invented, it was used for perioid of years just to film theater plays,
    until somebody came up with the idea or asked the question: Why are we here and not outdoors or in any other places, like nature or the city?
    Just one idea, and everything changed!
    I believe that this app's idea is just as revolutionary. From what I’ve seen, 99% of the manifestation and affirmation apps in the Play Store could just be a Spotify playlist—nothing more. They offer no personalization, nothing different from having a notebook (pen & paper) and a ready-made CD filled with random audio affirmations made by someone who knows nothing about your situation, dreams, or current emotions.

    This is finally different! For the first time, affirmations match your desires, self-confidence, and emotions.

    Download the app for free

    Most advanced manifestation app, the only one that matches your vibration in multiple levels.
    You can try it for free, no credit card or registration needed. The app contains no ads that track you. We respect your privacy.